Beltane, which is traditionally celebrated in the early days of May, is the holiday that marks the halfway point between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. On Beltane, we celebrate the lengthening days and embrace sunny energy.
Our ancestors celebrated Beltane with maypole dances, bon fires, harvesting and decorating with Spring flowers, and sex. As the Opening Day of the light half of the year, it’s one of the more raucous holidays. It marks the deepening of optimism, energy, and excitement that comes from longer days and more sunshine. You might feel inspired to travel more, learn new things, take on fresh projects, grow something and any of those would be great ways to celebrate the holiday.
If you’re a person who loves the light half of the year, full permission to lean into all of the parts of you that love heat and sunshine and warmth. This isn’t always sustainable, but for now it’s okay to REVEL in it. If you’re a person who prefers the dark half of the year or struggles with the heat of the summer, it may be helpful to remind yourself that the warmth and sunshine are important ingredients for the growing season and that growth usually requires some discomfort. Is it possible to have reverence for the season, even if it’s not your fave?
Reflection Questions:
How do you feel about the lengthening, warming days?
Where are you investing your energy? Would you like to make any shifts here?
Tarot Spread:
To use this spread:
Shuffle your Tarot or oracle cards, setting the intention to explore the theme. Lay out three cards, left to right, as shown in the diagram. Starting with the card on the left, flip your cards over. Interpret each card based on the intention set for each card. Reflect on the guidance you’ve received.